
Lee McIntyre's Instant Internet Lifestyle - The Cons

Problem: The lifestyle is certainly not "Instant".
A more accurate decription would be "pretty fast" compared to a traditional brick and mortar bussiness,
but I understand that it doesn't sound as cool.

One of Lee's fundamental rules is that to make serious money online, you have to build a REAL bussiness. He warns that there is no easy button, none of that scammy "push button" software is gonna work.
Stop looking for the magic bullet, you'll be searching
the rest of your life, instead, spend the time building a real bussiness.

The problem with that for most people is that they want
everything NOW. Lee's lessons will not make you a millionaire in a day or even month, but they will lay the foundation for a hugely successful business that you could have up and running in a few weeks (or even a few days) time. Lee pointed out that he went from $0 to $7K in one month.

I know that sounds crazy or out of reach (it does to me), but imagine if you could make even just 10% of that, or $700 a month...not bad at all for a first month.

The point is, just like any "real" bussiness, you have to build it gradually. The difference here is that gradule in the Internet world means a couple months whereas in a traditional physical bussiness it mean decades.

Another problem is that when you buy the Instant Internet Lifestyle, you have to download all eight training session videos seperately, whichis a bit of a hassle. Not only that, each Mp4 Video File takes a good amount of time to download to your computer (around 10-15 minutes).This can frustrating when your pressed for time and want to get started on a new session quickly.

I overcame this by useing Google Chorme (which seems quicker than Firefox for downloads... at least on my PC) and by downloading three or four files at time while I left the computer to do other things --this saves a lot of waiting time. And anyway, it is well worth the wait. The content is so different and fresh compared to
what most so called experts offer.

One of the most revolutionary concepts for me was Lee explaining
how he gets thousands of customers and tons of traffic all for free --no pay-per-click, no banners, no advertisements.
I've wasted so much money on Google Adwords the past few months and experienced. In fact I've spent
more money on Adwords than I made in profits! But after hearing Lee's method, I've realized that I've been
barking up the wrong tree. The trick, according to Lee is to treat your affiliates like princes, pay them frequently and handsomely and they will drive all the traffic to your sight like clockwork - it's certainly working well for him. Time for me to give it a try.


Another problem with The Instant Internet Lifestyle is, as I mentioned before, delivered in Mp4 files which of course are compressed, so don't expect an HD viewing experience.

However,I should say that the amazing and original content (minus the goofy English accent)
more than makes up for both the download time and the resolution.

Lee is a natural born teacher, in fact he used to be high school teacher, and it really shows.
He explains everything multiple ways and multiple times to really impress key points into the audiences memory.

(Other reviewers have mentioned that Lee goes a little overboard on this...but I found
the reiterations very helpful and I enjoyed hearing this new and intriquing information presented many different ways).

More coming soon...

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